Tandem Kayaking

The tandem kayak that we purchased for a joint Christmas present has not been used all that much. Not because we haven't wanted to, but because it has been so wet and rainy and not the sort of weather you want to be sitting in. Someone asked me how much rain we have had this year and even we were surprised that to date we have had over a metre of rain. That is 1040 mm or almost 42 inches on the old scale. It has been very wet and I just wish that we could send it south to the ones - including our son - who need it the most. But, getting back to the kayak, last weekend was sunny and warm so we packed up the cruiser and headed over to Tinaroo Falls Dam for a paddle. I had printed out the National Parks map of Danbulla National Park that encompasses Tinaroo. There are numerous campsites that are very well maintained with clean toilets, mowed grassed campsites, and more than a hundred fire pits have recently been placed strategically around the campsites. ...