Time to replace the camera......

I took my Olympus camera out of mothballs today and walked around the place this afternoon to take a few photos.  I must say it felt good to have a real camera in my hands again. The majority of my photos these days are taken with my IphoneX.  The camera on this phone is very good and you would have to be fairly picky to find fault.  However, the resolution is not great if I want to crop a photo and the end result becomes very lossy.
Our holidays are drawing closer and I want to make sure that I have the perfect camera kit to take with me.  I still love my Olympus OMD-EM5 but sadly it is becoming unreliable.  I purchased it in 2012 when it was first released and I have taken thousands of photos from the numerous trips we have made overseas and locally since then.  I will advertise it for sale on Gumtree but it probably won't bring many $$$'s.
I have been doing my research and I have decided to replace the OMD with the Olympus Pen-F.  It meets all my requirements plus a lot more.  The reviews are great and combined with an M Zuiko 17mm f1.8 lens it will be the perfect travel camera.  I also own an M Zuiko 12-42mm lens that  will also be in my camera kit but I will purchase the 17mm lens and it will stay on the camera.
I might add that I still own a Canon 7D with a 24-70mm f2.8 lens on board that I will NEVER sell.  This camera is more than 10 years old I love it to bits.  It is however a heavy camera so I only use it when I don't have to carry it very far.  It more than often travels with me when we go camping and sits on my lap as we drive along always ready for that important random shot.  The Olympus is my hiking camera.
Here are a few black and white photos that I took this afternoon with the OMD-EM5 with an M Zuiko 17mm f2.8 lens that will be sold with the camera.


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